Churches down in Houston are very different from churches in Cincinnati. When I first started to go to church down here I thought they “did” church the wrong way. Worship is just mediocre, talks are taught right from the bible and not life related (if that makes sense… and not saying that is wrong at all), production is not a big quality here, church is so long and churches are also small here.
Now none of that is wrong. But I’ve realized I don’t know what church is for.
I know that all churches are different and every church is going to do things very different from every other church but shouldn’t church have one main focus… to bring people to Christ? VCC is a very outward focused church. It’s all about serving the poor and reaching out to those in need. In Houston most of the churches that I have attended are community focused. Being in community is a key factor to living a life with Christ.
I go to a Vineyard church which is a non-denominational church. But how is that any different from a denominational church? Lutheran’s, Baptists, and whoever else have rules or regulations (I guess you could call them that) that they have to follow as a church. If you are a Vineyard Church don’t you also follow rules and regulations set by the Vineyard Association?
I guess I just don’t understand why people make a big deal out of going to church. I’ve never gone to church every week and been blown away every week…maybe every once in a while but as far as every week… no. I can sit and have a conversation with God and get more out of that than going and listening to some one speak to me for 30-40 minutes. I’m not saying that you don’t need to go to church and that I think it’s a waste of time because I think that its part of being in a relationship with Christ, but I don’t know if just going to church to say I’ve gone is the right thing either.
It was a lot easier when I was a kid. I just followed my mom and dad but now that I am all by myself I’m just trying to figure out where I fit in and what fits me.