Friday, July 21, 2006

Falling in love

Okay I know it's been a while since I wrote something so I thought I would do so since every one seems to want to hear about something. So a lot of people have probably been wondering what's up with Chris... I thought you guys broke up? We did and then we got back together (and are together).

I first met Chris last Thanksgiving when I went to visit my grandparents. One night while we were there my aunt wanted to go bowling and hang out with us and some of her friends... Chris happened to be one of them. We met at dinner first and then went out bowling. Him and one of his then left real suddenly because my aunt and him got in an arguement. He then came back and hung out for a while. That was all. I thought he was cute but that was all. I lived in Cincy he lived in Plano.
I knew that Chris was going to be in my Aunts wedding and asked if I could walk down the aisle with him. She said sure. Little did I know that he also wanted to walk down the aisle with me... :) I was excited to see him. He was funny... and cute... and very sweet! We had fun at the wedding a little flirting... okay a lot mostly from him... :) :) :). That weekend was fun and I left not thinking anything would come from it... maybe a new friend? Little did I know that I would fall in love. We chatted that night I got here and the next day and the next day and the next day and every day since. Two weeks into it I got a little scared. I didn't realize how we would be able to have a relationship that was so far away. It broke my heart to break up with him and I know that it break his even more. He sent me a letter that showed me just how much he loved me. Here is a little of it...

Maybe one day we will meet again and things will be different that time. If we were really meant to be, we will be. Maybe we both still have some growing to do. If God wants us to be together he will find a way to make it happen. As hard as it is for me, I am going to let you go without a fight. Only because I know in my heart you will come back to me with open arms. I tried so hard not to cry, but now I am. It hurts so bad to say goodbye to someone I love so much, but I guess I don't have much choice. I will love you forever, nothing will change that. I hope you find what you are looking for. You deserve all the glories and riches in the world. Good luck in everything you do, and know that I love you and I am behind you 100% in everything you do. Don't forget to smile every day, because everyone deserves to see how beautiful you and your smile are.

I cried and I cry every time I read that. I didn't talk to him for maybe a day and it killed me. At that time I was in Colorado and unable to use my cell phone... good thing? NO! I needed to talk to anyone and I couldn't. It was the worst thing ever. When I was in a place with reception I ended up calling him and we've never stopped. At first it was just as friends... yeah you know how that works. And then I went and visited him and everything changed. I feel in love... :) So thats the story. Thats why I'm always so happy!


Steve Fuller said...

This is one of those moments when I wish I knew how to respond to something like this. I wish I knew how to be a good friend. I wish I knew when to encourage someone and when to challenge someone. I wish I knew how to let someone you care about live life and make choices that all young people make without trying to play the adult. I wish I knew which internal reactions were legitimate and which ones were born from my own baggage.

I wish I knew a lot. But until I do, I'll pray that you guys let God direct this relationship. As long as that's happening, you can't lose.

sheplaysamartin said...

that's a sweet pic... i hope that life is treating you as sweetly... i hope you're treating yourself as sweetly. sweetie. :)

Jamie said...

that is a really beautiful photograph.. if that was taken on your cel phone, I'm buying a razor tomorrow.. just kidding ;o)

Play safe and be smart, kiddo. Most of all, keep on living life.