Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm sorry!

I have a lot of apologizing to be done but I'm sorry I have kept you all out of the loop. It's been a weird last three weeks. I don't have internet at the house I am staying out so I can't just blog at anytime at this moment.

I've moved again and then in about a week or so I will move again and then who knows when I will move again. My world is very crazy at the moment.

I am sorry to all those who have tried to call and I don't answer... I am sorry to those who I haven't called and should... I am sorry to some other people that I have made mad a couple weeks ago... in general I am just sorry! I hope you can forgive me.

Houston is just going... I don't love it but I don't hate it. I love my job but hate the city. No offense to anyone who lives in Houston or is going to be... but the city SUCKS! :)

On another note... I've gotten to hang out with some cool girls and just have fun.

Here are some pictures of my new family at the moment. :)

Here's me and the girls... we were on the way to the movies!

Meet Shilo...

....and meet Rio.

and this is Nicco (I bet he won't like this picture up... but that's what happens when your younger sister gets a hold of the camera! :))

And I have to put a picture of Chris! :) :) :) :) :) :)


Shilo said... update. No worries little one. It's all good. Why so many moves? It figures, the first person that shares my name would have to be cuter than me:) So things are back on with Chris? We must catch up.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

it looks like chris always wears the same shirt, I hope he washes it.

Anyway, it looks like you are having a blast.

stinkowoman said...

So you are a nanny now? So this means you are back with Chris? I hope that means that he has grown, not that you have decided to compromise! I will be honest. Your last posts have really started to worry me.

Kalla said...

I'm not a nanny... just living with a family who has kids.

sheplaysamartin said...

you moved? and you're moving again? can't wait for more updates...

Anonymous said...

you are a butthole

Kalla said...

Nick.. what's your new nickname that you love so much???

I'm a butthole? Are we back in first grade again?

sheplaysamartin said...

shane was playing songs by the fray last night before/after the gathering. and i thought, 'ms. kalla likes the fray. i miss ms. kalla...' it's true, i do miss you... :)

take care...