Wednesday, August 20, 2008

4 WEEKS!!!!

The last couple of days have been interesting...

I ended up spending ALL afternoon in the hospital. I went to my scheduled doctors appointment yesterday where he put me on the monitor (to check the baby and see if I was contracting) and sure enough I was... and they were pretty strong. I was given 3 shots before they stopped enough. (it didn't really work I am still having them today just not as bad and not as frequently.) I am not dilated at all so I guess we just wait. This is about the same time with Caidan when I did start contracting though and continued to contract for 3 weeks. 

My husband is working a butt load lately so it kind of makes things difficult for me. Most of the help that I have been getting all go to school or work at a school and school starts Monday. Chris' mom is unable to help due to surgery she had on her shoulder two weeks ago. So it looks like starting next week its just Caidan and I. We'll see....

We started to paint the babies room... only after painting two coats I didn't like it... :) It was supposed to be pink and its pink/purple... its very strange. So now we have to go get more paint in a different color and Chris has to paint again!

Thats what is happening in our world. 

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Kalla, Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. I am sorry that the past couple months of pregnancy have been so rough for you. I pray that your baby arrives healthy and safe. I will keep in mind what you said about the Diaper Champ. I am truly hoping that after a month or so we will be switching to cloth diapers and that by breast feeding I will be avoiding the smelly formula poo (or turds, as you call them!). Best wishes and prayers for the coming weeks, Jeannie @Denney Family Story