Saturday, August 16, 2008

GROSS... just gross!

So this afternoon I realized that I can't let Caidan go to bed with out pants or shorts on. I really thought that the first time was just because he was bored and it was really full. 

This afternoon I get him up from his nap and AGAIN he is naked. I didn't see any poop everythings is GREAT. UNTIL... I put him to bed... (i need some kind of freak scary music to add)

I had his diaper changed , gave him his cup, laid him in bed, moved his blankets and found a BIG SOLID TURD!!!!! This time I don't think that he had pooped in his diaper and played with it... no I think that he took his diaper of and then made a huge TURD!!!! (Can I emphasize TURD anymore?) That TURD had been sitting in his bed ALL day... 

Its just GROSS... GROSS... GROSS!


sarah true said...

eww! gross! if only you could direct him to the potty.

sagreen125 said...

your son is not stupid, I better get that other bed blanket made for him, so he will always have one
he is a true boy,
most girls are not like that, I bet you would have done that,

Amanda Troyer said...

Mine does the opposite. Takes the diaper off and pees. The shorts have been working though, so hopefully it works for you guys too! make sure they're tight shorts! Warren gets loose ones off.

You could try introducing the potty, never know, he could take right to it. Warren had no idea what we were trying to get him to do. He had no idea when he was peeing all over his "big boy pants" LOL Guess we have a while before he'll be potty trained.

B Partridge said...

No dull moment with Caidan!