Sunday, November 19, 2006


Well we had Thanksgiving earlier this year. Yesteday we spent celebrating Thanksgiving with part of our family.

Here is Baby Girl on our way to Grandma's house (Chris's parents house)

Uncle Steve

Chris and I- Why is it that men always have to watch Football on Thanksgiving? We watched part of the OSU/MICHIGAN game and as you can tell I was routing for Michigan... I have to keep my love happy... ;)

It was a good time...

Only two more Thanksgiving dinners to go... I am not sure I like turkey anymore.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I love my sisters!!!!! I miss my sisters too!!!! I talk to them all the time... or atleast when I get a chance. If you don't have siblings I am sorry. My sisters and I are best friends. When we get together watch out. Have you ever wanted to be like your sisters/brothers? I want to be like my sisters all the time. Betsy is so smart- not that I am not smart but I don't compare to how smart she is. And Sara is so beautiful- I know I am pretty but it doesn't compare to how beautiful she is.

Sisters are the best! If I am doing something stupid then they tell me exactly how it is. If i want to buy something and I really don't need it I always call them so they can talk me out of it...

I just can't really tell you how much my sisters mean to me!!!!

New Baby Girl

This past Sunday we drove two hours (well four round trip) to get my very early Christmas present...

MY NEW BABY GIRL (she is a Dachshund... or what some people like to call a wiener dog)

I love her... I am so in love with her... but I am not in love with her when it is two o'clock in the morning and Baby Girl is whining at the top of her lungs. But she is so cute and adorable that I pick (literally) my butt out of bed and see what she needs. Sometimes she needs to go potty, sometimes she lets us know that she has gone potty (I've never known a dog who let there owners know that they went potty... but she does), and sometimes she just needs to be reassured that we are here.

The first night with Baby Girl was horrible. We (Chris and I) agreed that when she whined we would let her whine and not run to her... that lasted long. It was 2am when I woke up for the second time. I tried to let her whine but after an hour you get really annoyed. I told Chris I was going to pick her ass up and put her in the other room. Well come to find out she had pooped in her cage... so like a good mommy and daddy we cleaned it up and put her snugly back in her cage. But Baby Girl wasn't liking that. So Chris got her out and brought her to bed with us...BIG MISTAKE. She was not tired... she wanted to play. Chris tried to get her to calm down but it wasn't happening and I was trying to fall asleep which wasn't happening either. So like a good mommy I got up and took her to eat, because after two hours I was hungry too. She ate, I ate, we watched some TV and back to bed we went. We had bought her this little bed so I thought I would try to put her in that and see how she did... that was at 5am... she slept till 8am...I slept till 8am we were both happy.

The next couple nights were hard too but not has bad. Chris was gone for a couple nights on a business trip so I was left to take care of all three puppies (yeah we have three dogs) and on top of it all I got sick. But I am feeling better now and Baby Girl only got up once last night and Chris came home very early this morning... YAY!!!!! I'm happy, Baby Girl is happy, Charlie's happy, Toby... well he's Toby, and Chris, yeah he's happy because he is sleeping. We are a happy family. I need a theme song... haha!

If you think you are ready to have kids go get a puppy... if you can handle a puppy then you are ready. I am not ready to have a baby! But I love my Baby Girl and I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

You want to plan my wedding?

Planning a wedding is not fun...

Yes I would love to have a wedding but the idea of eloping sounds so great at the moment. We don't know where we are getting married, when it will be all that fun stuff... but the biggest part... my dress has been found!!! ( I would let everyone see a picture of it but I know that my love looks at this and as much as I really want to show him I can't. :( ... so I guess you will all just have to wait!)

Another good thing (this is not about the wedding) we are getting a new puppy!!! We are going to call her Penelopee... except we pronounce is very differently...