Monday, September 11, 2006


I know so cliché to write about 9/11 on 9/11.

This year 9/11 has a different meaning for me. I’ve watched TV shows this past week about 9/11 and the people who died and the firefighters and rescue people who died on 9/11. And this year it hits home. I could never relate to people who talked about losing a love one on that day. I imagined that it would be the hardest thing in the world but I could never sympathize with them… well not anymore.

As some of you may not know my boyfriend is a Paramedic/Firefighter and though he doesn’t work in a big city I still worry about him everyday he goes to work. I hear these women talking about how their husband wouldn’t have turned around to save themselves, because that’s not what their job required of them. There job was to save lives and though the may not have known that the World Trade Centers were going to collapse they went in there to save lives and for that they are all heroes.

So today we say Thank You to all the men and woman who died on 9/11 to help others.

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