Tuesday, May 30, 2006

So much

There is so much to say... so much to do... too many pictures to post... a lot of sleep to be had... not enough time.

There is a lot I want to update every one on, but I have been very busy these last few days. I will update soon!

Sometimes life just gives you little suprises and you don't know why.


Shilo said...

Suprise...I Love You!

ylmurph said...

I'll give everyone the quick update:

First day - I can't believe how hot it is here! You'd think someone would have told me. It's always weird when I see grown men wearing cowboy boots and chaps. I still remember when Steve came back from the Blue Oyster Club wearing those.

Day Two - I met Sandra Bullock today...thought she'd be taller.

Day Three - I'm starting to realize that it really wouldn't be a good idea to murder anyone down here. There's an execution every fifteen minutes. Texas don't play that.

Day four - I still miss the wit and wisdom of SMM

Kalla said...

Well actually it isn't that hot here. It's been 75 the last few days. I heard it's been hot there though? haha!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you can't just leave us hanging like this...post, post, post already!