Monday, May 01, 2006

I'm not talking...

I’m not talking about Houston so don’t ask me about it!

That is what I am going to wear on my shirt from now on… I’m not trying to be rude so I hope that no one thinks that. I am just so sick of talking about it. I’m sick of talking about something that I am not too excited about. I am sick of saying the same thing over and over and over and over again. I don’t want to think about it. I just want to enjoy my last weeks here… is that too much to ask?


Anonymous said...

well if you are going to do a LOT of posts about it, don't be shocked if people actually pay attention and show interest. of course, repetitive questions could get annoying, but you've got to admit you started it...

Anonymous said...

WOW, the first anonymous person sounds like a totaly dick! kalla, you didn't start anything. people, mostly old people, ask questions. People in general are nosey. But there are alot of people who just care enough about you and will miss you so much that they want to know that you are going to a good place and that you will be okay. People will continue to ask questions, just nodd your head,smile and make the conversation really boring.

Steve Fuller said...

So Kalla, what's new with moving to Houston?

Shilo said...

Hey Chica! I already know all about Houston...Ha Ha Ha, i asked before you got pissed about all the questions! So, What about plans friday?