Monday, March 06, 2006

Playing games

So for the last couple of weeks I’ve watched the show The Bachelor. I know I know how could I watch that show, but I love it. It’s so funny to try and guess who’s the bitch, who’s not getting a rose this week, who you thinks going to win and blah blah blah. But last week and pervious weeks I have watched it and wondered how many girls are just “playing the game”?

Let’s be serious girls… could you honestly try and date a guy who was going out with fifteen different women? Would that honestly be okay with you? And could you honestly fall in “love” with him? Or would you play the “game”?

For me, I would play the game! I would charm him and make him think that I am the women for him, if in the end that means that I win. Maybe I would win him and that would be a nice prize but it would be even better to know that out of thousands of women I was the one that he chose. I can’t even imagine what was going through Sarah’s (the winner) head last week when she won. I know what would be going through my head, “I beat all those bitches!”

I hope that nobody thinks that I’m a bitch now because I say all that but as women I think we play games every day with men. And games that they aren’t aware of and games we might not be aware of. (Maybe I’m the only one that thinks like this and that could be the case with my messed up mind). I think so many times we get upset at guys because they play games, but sometimes I think we also forget that we play games too.

As women we want the guys heads to turn, we want the stares (if they aren’t from creepy men…Bragg ;)) we want to know that they are looking at us. We get dressed each morning with the thought of who we might see today or we might do certain things to get a guys attention. We want to be that girl that every guy looks at; we want to know that we have what it takes. Does the game ever end?

I think part of this game is getting what we don’t have, but when we get it is it enough or do we just keep playing the game? I would like to think that once we have it we might stop playing the game, but considering I’ve never gotten the one really think I want I can’t answer that question. I would hope that when I get married the game will stop and maybe a new game played with my husband, but again I don’t know.

I just know that I really don’t want to play the game anymore…


sheplaysamartin said...

i suck at this game. can we play cranium or apples to apples instead? :)

seriously, i've always found it a little strange and sad while watching the bachelor. a lot of women can be competitive when it comes to guys, but i can't imagine anyone finds it very romantic or feels pursued to be kissing someone who's been kissing 20 other people over the course of a few weeks. it's kind of weird to see so many women clamoring for the attention of one guy. pretty unrealistic for a reality show (except for in some colleges and some churches, due to gender ratio issues :).

i've never really been in the position of 'winning the game,' either. but from what i hear, the game does continue past that point, with some people losing interest as soon as they get a date with that elusive crush, and with even some married people still looking for affirmation outside of the marriage because they're addicted to the role of 'that guy' or 'that girl' who gets all the attention and flirtation or they still long to be with 'that guy' or 'that girl.'

i think the best path is to 'retire' from the game while you're ahead... the best time to learn to not play the game is right now, by learning to base your identity in God and who He created you to be, rather than seeking identity in your relational status. (i think so much of the game is based on people trying to use others to get needs met in the wrong way, rather than people coming into relationships wanting to serve.) i'll be the first to admit that this is something i'm still learning...

good post, kg!

Anonymous said...

I hate that game...
I sometimes try to make it a point to not pay attention to girls who are begging for attention. If only girls knew what good guys really want, life would be alot easier for them. I'm one of those guys who want to see a girl without any makeup, no special hair style, and average clothes. I ignore the girls who wear too much makeup and wear an outfit that cost them $100 and they only wear it once. Cant stand those girls. Am I the only guy like this?

Anonymous said...

I agree with what the other anonymous said. If girls wear to much makeup or dress to slutting I am turned off. The girls who don't play are the ones I am attracted to, there is something about their character that I find attractive.

If you play or don't play does not matter to me, you are still an awesome person, and God still loves you. Personally, I think it is great if you give up playing the game. Sooner or later when you meet that guy, he is going to love you for who you are inside, and all that game playing is going to be completely negated.

Jillian said...

i'm stoked that you can buy an outfit for less than $100!!

just teasing. i always think it's weird too, kalla, when everyone's making out with everyone and no one seems hurt. i think its just bogus, but for a long time i thought i just wasn't cool enough to understand and be one of those gals who can do that-i thought i must just be too boring. my guess, however is that those chicas are, as you said, caught up in the game, but later i'm certain there's a whole host of therapy and zoloft involved.

i watched an episode from this season and it had a gal who was crying on a video to the bachelor, professing her love. i imagine that's a glimmer into the actuality of things. God wired us to feel-heck, He's the author of emotion, so how are we supposed to act otherwise. this is why love is a dangerous thing when it becomes a game. silly bachelorettes! man whores are for swedes!(i'm totally joking!)


Jillian said...

oh yes! what in the name of fried peanut butter sandwiches is apples to apples? i think i'm getting old...:)

sheplaysamartin said...

apples to apples is a wicked fun card game where you have to try to guess what your friends would like from your hand of cards. it's great to test how well you know your friends...

fried peanut butter sandwiches. sounds interesting... :)

Jillian said...

ooo...fried peanut butter sandwiches with honey and banana....oh baby i miss bread.

stinkowoman said...

You know, I was just thinking the same thing about women sharing men while watching a rap video the other day. Jamie Foxx was sitting on a sofa with two beautiful women cooing in each of his ears, and I could almost hear the internal dialogue the women were thinking..."Oh no, that bitch did not just kiss him.Her butt is so big." and "If he even touches that other girl one more time, I'm gonna deck him. She is such a ho..."
So I changed the channel and watched Pink's "stupid Girls" video and felt much better.