Saturday, March 18, 2006

Outreach to the Drunk

I love outreaches (especially to the drunk)!!! But I never want to do them before I go out. I become someone that I don’t know (I don’t know if that’s a bad thing or a good thing) when I am out washing cars, handing out coke, or water and chips to people who are drunk. When I’m out there I’m not me.

Everyone knows that I am not a social person—I’m an introvert—I can be social when I’m “comfortable”, but at parties I tend to be the one in the other room all by myself or just standing there. But something happens to me when I go out to do an outreach and I never noticed this about myself until recently. I become talkative… I just talk to random strangers about whatever (normally why we are handing out water and chips or whatever the outreach is). I go up to random people and ask them if they want water… I don’t even go up to random people at parties, I don’t go up to people I know at parties at my house.

But I like that person. I like that person that cares less about her in the hour were out. It’s like a high on me?! I just wish I could figure out how to be that person all the time.

Last night we went out at 12:00AM (I don’t know if that was the time or not, I just know it was way past my bed time) and handed out water and chips to drunk people. Now first of all I love people that are drunk because they are just hilarious and you can always convince a drunk person they need water or chips (or anything really ;)). And I have never got hit on so many times within a short amount of time before. They were all really nice and really drunk so I let them all slide, but it’s funny what people do when they get a little alcohol in them.

Even though it was freezing outside and I got to bed late- I would do it every night.
Lets do it every night? :)


sheplaysamartin said...

i can totally relate to what you're saying (about being more outgoing than usual during outreaches). i've experienced the same thing. i wonder what's behind that... i guess it's just God at work, revealing His light in surprising ways. yay for the most fun outreach ever. :)

Justin said...


that's great! I think the things that make you "come alive," in whatever form that is, are often the things that God wants us to pay attention to.

Watch yourself out there...I've been the drunk guy enough times to know that drunk guys do stuff sober guys don't. I'm really glad you're doing it, just make sure someone's got your back, eh?


Steve Fuller said...


That's the beauty of being a guy with a past...we know how guys think. :)

We made sure to go out in teams of three or four, with a couple guys and a couple girls in each group. Guys are MUCH more receptive to a cute girl handing them water. Imagine that!

Kalla said...

Justin, you drunk... no way? :)

It's funny though because if that would have happened any other time (guys hitting on me) I would have been scared-just because men are creepy- but I wasn't. It was nice not to be scared.

ylmurph said...

It's gotta be crazy scary living with Fuller then, huh?

Anonymous said...

I should do an outreach to him then.

ylmurph said...

someone needs to...

Steve Fuller said...

I'm here waiting for someone to reach out to me...

Anonymous said...

so kalla, who was that boy you were with on sunday?