Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Meant to do what you were meant for

What are you meant to do? Or do you not know? I do not know what I am meant to do with my life, but some people are lucky and know what they are meant to do.

I just finished watching Dreamer with Dakota Fanning and Kurt Russell. Sonador (the horse) was injured and was to be put down because she was basically useless. Instead Kurt Russell’s character bought him and believed that he could at least give him the chance to walk again, but little did he know that eventually the horse would run again.

The beauty of it is that that horse new that she was made to run. She knew that she had to do anything to get back out there and run… I just wish sometime we had that same mentality.

If I knew I was to become doctor then I would be out there with everything trying to become a doctor. If I knew that I was supposed to become a runner I would be out there running everyday. If I was supposed to be an actress then you can bet that I would be out there acting anywhere. But the problem is we never do it (me included).

Why don’t we fight for what we know? Why don’t we fight to become who we are instead of letting people walk all over us? Why don’t we put forth every moment in our lives to become who we were made for? Or if you don’t know then why don’t you find what you were made for?

I’m not saying that quitting your job right now is what you are supposed to do… who knows maybe that is part of your journey to find what you were meant for… but maybe not. I’m not saying go quit everything you are doing because that’s not what you were meant for. If you don’t know what you are meant to do then it’s probably not a good idea to just go quit everything because “it’s not you.” Maybe you don’t like what you are doing whether its in a job, or a volunteer role, or helping out friends, but that doesn’t mean that that’s not what you were meant to do.

I’m not saying that I know what anyone is meant to do…I don’t even know what I was meant to do. But I think sometimes we forget to fight for us. We try to figure out this crazy world that we live in that we sometimes forget what you were meant to do.

So my question is: Do you know what you were meant to do?

If you do: What are you doing to keep it going?

And if you don’t: What are you doing to figure that out?


Anonymous said...

can I take letter "c"? I know what I am supopsed to be doing, and not doing it. So what then is keeping me from doing it? Fear, my comfort zone, video games, apathy, lethargy, I could name more. The real question is, will I embrace what I cam supposed to do, or run.

Anonymous said...

i know anonymous! i am anonymous! heck, i live with anonymous! :) this is all very confusing.

at any rate-it's fun sometimes when you're unsure to do just "do" and watch things unfold. as long as they're not entirely ridiculously out of line with basic principles-God's teaching us to unfold our story within His story.

Anonymous said...

Wow, now I know who ate all my ice cream and cookies...

sheplaysamartin said...

great post, kalla... yeah, sometimes we need a little nudge to 'fight for what we know,' as you put it. in my own life, sometimes a tough 'this is not what i was meant to do' season has been a nudge. other times, those, 'oh my word, doing this is amazing...' moments are the nudge. i definitely agree that knowing what you're meant to do is a huge motivation factor in actually doing it... (though, along with anon., i can see how fear and/ or the ease of 'good enough' can get in the way, or cause doubt, even when you have an idea of what you're meant to do. been there, done that, still kinda there sometimes...)

Anonymous said...

haha! nice new pic of you playin corn hole