Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Thank You Santa

So I wanted to post on Christmas but I was so shocked I had no idea what to say. I had the best Christmas EVER!!! I knew that this Christmas was going to be good, but I didn’t expect it to be this good. This year Santa visited me and gave me over twenty gifts.

Here is everything I got from Santa:
-a make-up bag with a pink “breast cancer awareness” bracelet, Chap Stick and pink nail polish.
-new Sharpies!!! (Now for anyone who doesn’t know me…I am in love with Sharpies, I don’t ever use them, but I love to have them…I have over 50 of them…They make me happy. J)
-a luffa that changes colors along with body wash and three pink nail polishes.
-a cool new shirt (and it’s pink)
-a pink sweater with a scarf and a hat
-a real SLINKY!! (not a plastic one)
-phase ten (only one person in my house had ever heard of it! Do you know what Phase Ten is?)
-a vintage CD of Dane Cook (me loves me some Dane Cook ;) and somehow South Park got on it…?)
-a red tin filled with blow pops
-a cool pink belt
-glow in the dark stars
-a pink princess phone
-graeter's gift cards (the best ice cream in the world)
-a letter from Santa (very personal)
(if I forgot anything and I know that I have…I am sorry)

I don’t know who or why someone would do this for me, but whoever is Santa, THANK YOU!!! I don’t know if I can explain how much all of that meant to me. And for all of you that took part in it, I am sorry that you didn’t get to see my face when I saw all those gifts.

Here's a picture!


Anonymous said...

I know what Phase 10 is. I play it at work to help the kids that come see me feel more comfortable.

Glad you had a great Christmas!

stinkowoman said...

I know phase 10 and I LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to hear me some Dane Cook!!

Steve Fuller said...

I am a Phase 10 champ. Almost as good as poker. ;)

I feel a challenge coming next Monday.

Kalla said...

Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

feeling left out. dang it, why don't i know what phase 10 is?

glad you had a merry christmas. :)

Aaron said...

Come on Marsha, is that really why you play games at work? :-)

Jamie said...

Steven better have given you the Patrick Dempsey magazine that Santa left at my house for you!

Kalla said...

He did...;) And I am enjoying it very much! Thank you!