Saturday, December 17, 2005

Our Leaders

I have always heard this but I had never seen it until recently. We as people expect our leaders to live up to some weird and crazy expectation. We expect them to never speed, or smoke or drink or curse or be human. We think since they are “leaders” that they should be perfect. (and as you read that you might think, “no I know that they aren’t perfect” but YOU DO EXPECT THEM TO BE PERFECT!)

I have worked in a church for three years and all my close friends are in a leadership position at a church and I see it continually with them. Everyone expects so much from them. They expect them to know so much and do so much. But guess what? They have feelings and struggles just like any one of us. And sometimes I think that they have it harder.

I don’t know about you but I think that our leaders are doing a hell of a job! I know that I don’t know what its like to be in a high position of leadership but I do know that it can suck the life right out of you. It’s a very demanding job. Half the leaders I know still work full time job outside of churches. And I don’t know about you, but after working a full day the last thing I want to do is go home and work on more work that I don’t even get paid for. But that’s the best part. They don’t care about money as much as they care about doing what God has called them to do.

So next time you see a leader thank them for what they do. Don’t be too quick to judge them because they said shit or you saw them smoking, because at judgment day they will be judged just like you.

To all the leaders I know who have stepped out in faith to do what God has called them to do! You are doing an awesome job. Please continue to do what God has called you to do!


Lucid Magazine said...

Well said. I went through the same thing a year ago, and I just posted some very similar thoughts today, but from the other perspective. Having said that though, there is a penalty of leadership. To whom much is given, much is expected. It is the overall balance you look for. We will all be judged by God anyway. We don't need to judge each other. But there is something to be said of leading by example and not just words. Good post Kalla

Anonymous said...

wow, nano technology.

stinkowoman said...

Here ya go. Something to. :)