Monday, November 21, 2005

Get your praise on

You know what the best thing in the world is… Having friends that will tell you the truth no matter what. There has been a lot on my mind lately about life, God, and this world. Sometimes I just wish I had a USB port in my head and I could stick a memory stick in it and download everything.

I heard a lot of great things from my friends but two stuck out really good.

Praising God with everything that you have. Praising him for the money we make. Praising him for the grades we get. Praising him for our things that we normally just don’t even think he sees, to praise God every moment of everyday. Who cares if you look like a zombie or everyone thinks that you’re weird. Instead of worrying everyday let’s get our PRAISE ON! I mean can you imagine how much fun life would be everyday.

2) I am dead to this world.
I have a problem separating God and the world. We see everything from this world and we are supposed to believe in a God that we have to believe in and trust. I guess I just don’t trust God enough with my life. But I have to think that I am dead to this world and live life with God everyday. Just like it’s him and me.

Now I know that those things are very easy to say and I could easily sit here and write all that and not do any of it. But that would not be very good. I want my action to match my words. ;)

So I think it takes twenty-one days to get into the routine of things. So for the next twenty-one days I will be doing those two things everyday, getting my praise on and being dead to this world. So I am asking my friends to help me with this. And if you want to join me feel free. But I know for twenty-one days and there after I will be getting my praise on.


The Table said...

You go girl!! I'll be joining you too. For the next 21 days and hopefully so many more. I'll hold you accountable if you hold me accountable ok. Talk to you later girl. Have a great day getting you praise on.

Thank you Lord for Kalla!! She is truly a great friend and a bright light in dark places.

Anonymous said...

i am picturing you 'shakin' it like a polaroid picture' as you get your praise on...

and your usb comment made me laugh. usb ports are amazing things. my camera has one. my computer has one. my electric keyboard has one. my digital recorder has one. my mp3 player has one. sometimes i wonder what it would sound like if i hooked my camera up to my keyboard, what kinds of sounds might be produced by the images, or what the sounds would look like... hmm... but i don't think that's possible; the ends wouldn't match. anyway... have a good day...

Anonymous said...

A USB drive in your head may be nifty, but in Harry Potter you can take a wand and pull your thoughts out of your head as cool wispy threads. Then you could place them in a pensieve for looking at later. I don't know about you, but I think pulling your thoughts out and putting them in a bowl would be cool.

Anonymous said...

If you had a usb port on your head, you could plug in an ipod to help you out with your praise on... or just keep in simple and put on some headphones

scott said...

"GET YOUR PRAISE ON - doot doot da da YEAH!!!
YEEEEAAAHHH "get your praise on" doot doot

Justin said...


I enjoyed your post. I'll be sure to keep an eye open for both praisin'-be-gotten-on and deadness-to-world.


I enjoyed your response even more that Kalla's post. (With all respect, know I love yer blog). Now you've really got me thinking...what would a picture of my living room sound like? What would John Coltrane look like if I plugged his tunes into my camera? What if I ran my old Extreme album as an application on my Mac?

Oh man....crap....I'm turning into a Zen Buddhist now...what's the sound of one hand clapping?

Justin "Zen Master"son