Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Worry doesn’t prevent disaster it prevents JOY.

I’m 19 and I worry all the time. I worry about my car, how am I going to pay for all my bills, how am I going to pay for school, and what am I going to do about work and school. I may not show it on the outside but on the inside I feel like I am going to explode.

Recently I have been reminded by family and friends and co-workers that I am only 19 and I should enjoy being young. But the problem is I don’t know what it is like to be 19. I don’t know what 19 year olds do. When I think of 19 year olds I think of kids who don’t care about anything or anybody and who have no responsibilities.

Within the past couple days my car has been acting up. Yesterday I went to go get lunch and I rolled down my window and about a fourth of the way down it stopped. I tried pushing it up (like I normally do because sometimes it would just stick) but that didn’t work. I tried for about fifteen minutes before I stopped because I was so mad that I was afraid I would break it. I eventually got it up with help from a friend.

This morning on my way into work, I was driving enjoying my music (me loves my music) when my CD changed songs and I heard a clinking noise. I thought that it was the car next to me at first but has I passed them and I realized it was my car. I immediately started freaking out. I got to the church and looked under my car and saw that something (I didn’t know what at that time) was dragging. I started crying and then I called my dad.
Luckily (Thank You God) it was only a guard.

But those little things happen and we freak out. I do at least. I start thinking how am I going to pay for this. I have too many things going on this week and next. How am I going to get to work each day? How am I going to get to things beside work? There are all those things and more that go through my head. AND I AM 19. I should be thinking about all those things.

I love my dad so much and he reminded me today, after he told me that I am 19 and that I worry too much, that all those things can be fixed or adjusted. We can take care of all those things. And that those things are small compared to what I will face someday (not that that was encouraging but it was, to know that it was something little).

Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
Matthew 6:33

I’m 19 and I don’t want to spend half my life worry about my money, my cars, or my life. I want to enjoy life and laugh at life. I want JOY!

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:33


sheplaysamartin said...

i've struggled with worry from time to time... a couple of verses help... 1) 'don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.' (phil. 4:6) 2) 'be silent and know that I am God!' (psalm 46:10) i think it's so important to make moments of worry opportunities to take things to God. and it's important to learn to rest in Him, rather than trying to carry the weight of our worries on our own. i'm still so very much in 'learn' mode when it comes to dealing with worry, but this is what helps me...

that and the song 'not the land' by caedmon's call... 'i don't want words, i just want some peace...' you know i loves me some music. :)

praying you experience some peace, darling girl!

Anonymous said...

worrying is bad for you health. It creates stress, and raises certian bio-chemical agents in your body. Prolonged worring could kill you. But don't worry about that, the reported cases of dieing from worrying are very low.

To some extent I think your dad is right, you are only 19, you should be enjoying life. Yet, look what the world puts on must 19 year old people. The demands placed on people your and my age is nothing like it was 20 years ago; nay 5 years ago. be thankful you don't have to worry about rent, food, raising a child, or so many other things that people your age face.

Don't worry about the future. It will take care of its self. Live your life one day at a time, and live it for God each day. Don't worry about tomorrow, He's got it all under control. (I think that is a bible verse, or a song...maybe both)