Sunday, September 11, 2005

What would have happened?

"I can't imagine getting to the end of my life and thinking, 'I wonder what would have happened if I had gone for it.'"

Those where the words Dave Workman spoke this weekend. And man did it hit home for me.

So maybe everyone knows "what this thing is" and maybe you don't so here it is. I have decided to go to college! :-O haha! Yeah big shocker for me too. But it feels so right. It finally feels like the right time in my life. Since I was 15, I have always dreamt of being a nurse. A labor and delivery nurse actually. So that is what I am going to do. Go to nursing school. I remember being a sophmore in high school and sending away for information from UC about their nursing program. I got it in the mail and I was so excited. It didn't leave my side for a couple days. You know like when you get a new book and you don't want to leave it...yeah I didn't want to leave all my information. :)

So you might be asking why didn't I go to college a year ago for it...FEAR! Fear of failing. Fear of not being the best. Fear that I won't be able to make it through. Fear that I won't like it. But those are all things that I have to face up too. (more about that in a later post)

I am not saying that home schooling is bad (okay maybe I am) but I don't think that I got a great education in school (or at home). I don't feel like I learned everything that I should have. Not that my parents didn't do a good job, because I think that they did. I just don't think that I put everything into it. I did it because I had to. I always hated school because I had to do it and thats why I didn't go to college right away. I hated school because I was FORCED to do it. I wanted to go to college becuase I wanted to go. Not because everyone else was going and thats what I should do. I am glad that i didn't have those types of parents that wanted you to go to college. Ones who thought that getting a degree was the only way to go. I have to actually thank my parents for not pushing me into going to college, but for supporting me in all my decisions.

In the last year I have had that thought over and over again... I wonder what would have happened if I had gone for it. What if God had created me to do that one thing specificly and I totally ignored his calling... what would have happened? Ten years down the road would I be miserable and wish that I would have gone to school to be a nurse? I don't want to be 30 and wondering what if. Now I won't have to wonder what would have happened. I get to figure it out. How exciting!

So I just wanted to let everyone in on the exciting news that is going on in my life! :) And to say really think about this: "I can't imagine getting to the end of my life and thinking, 'I wonder what would have happened if I had gone for it.'"

I just want to challenge you on this. What is something that you can't imagine getting to the end of your life and not doing? It's not too late to do anything. It's never too late! SO GO FOR IT!


sheplaysamartin said...

i had a feeling that's what it was, but wasn't sure... :) that's awesome...

i wanted to let you know this post really challenged me. i'm still pretty young, and there are already ways my life has been shaped by times when i didn't go for it. so the 'what ifs' are many. God and i have been having some conversations about what it would look like for me to go for it at this stage in the game, and i'm not quite sure i have an answer yet. some of the things i didn't go for in the past are things i'm not even sure i would want anymore. and some of the things i've considered since i feel less than enthusiastic about because i see them as 'plan b' and not as true to my heart. and some of the biggest things of all aren't exactly things i can go for on my own. i'm trying to figure it out. probably won't get there by the end of this comment, but it's a start. :)

thanks for posting this. keep us up to date on your plans! :)

Anonymous said...

:-) I'm proud of you for taking that step, girl. Wow. ~Jes Elvy

stinkowoman said...

I'm proud of you and ecstatic with you! Yeah!!!!!