Friday, September 16, 2005


The other night I was watching Ring 2 and there was an interesting scene that goes like this.
As Rachel is sleeping Aidan comes to her in her dreams and they have this conversation...

(Aidan has been taken over by Samara and the only way she can't hear them is when they are sleeping)
Aidan: Shh. Just keep sleeping Rachel so she (Samara) can't hear us. It's the only way. Your gonna have to show her Rachel... Show her she can't stay.

Rachel: In you? How? How do I do that?

Aidan: Take me to wear she is afraid of. You know what she's afraid of (water.) Take me there....and kill me.

Rachel: Aidan No!

Aidan: Shh Rachel stay sleeping. She won't stay if she knows you will kill me. It's the only way.

Rachel: I can't do it... I can't.

Aidan: Then she stays.
Scene ends and she wakes up.

There are two things in that scene that really stick out for me and they both have to do with Fear. The first one is Rachel is afraid to listen to Aidan and kill him. She's scared that she'll kill Aidan and never have him back. But what she has to consider is does she want Aidan alive and live with him as "Samara" or is she willing to take a risk and kill him? The second thing is Samara is so afraid that if she knows someone is going to try and kill the person that she is living in then she leaves.

(Sorry I am probably going to ruin the movie for you...I warned you)
How did Rachel conquer her fear...she did the one thing that she was scared of the most...kill her son. But that's the best thing... she tried to kill her son and in the process Samara left him. So in reality there was nothing for Rachel to be scared of. I want to say that somehow Aidan knew that if Rachel tried to kill him that Samara would leave and he would be okay but I don't really know that. And how did Samara conquer her fear? Well she didn't. She was so scared that she ran away.

Now I believe that we are either one of those two people. We are either Rachel and face our fears or we are Samara and run from our fears. I believe for a while I have been Samara, running from everything that I was and am afraid of. How bout you? Who are you...Rachel or Samara?

Honestly I am tired of running from my fears. I am so tired of being afraid. I want to know that I don't have to be afraid of the world. I want to know that I can trust that God is going to protect me.. I want to go forward even when I don't think it is the right thing because I trust God. I know that God is my protection. I know that he won't let anything harm me. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Deuteronomy 31:8

I think a lot of us live in fear everyday. Sometimes we might even let fear run our lives. I know I have. For over a year I have wanted to go to school for nursing but I was too afraid becauseIi thought I would never make it. I thought I would fail classes because I wasn't smart. For over two years I stayed in a position at work that was horrible, but I stayed because I was comfortable and I was afraid to step out and take a risk.

Think about this...How many time are you afraid of something and run away from it, but the minute you go do it or get on it or whatever... you aren't afraid anymore? You know how every one always say, "It'll be okay", well it really will be okay. It is scary and I think that everyone has the right to be scared and maybe being scared is a good thing, but the truth is Everything will be okay. I have takena lott of risk and look at me I am perfectly normal. I think Satan uses fear as a weapon...okay I know he does. He tries to instill fear into us so we won't do what we are called to do. They are only lies and you have the right to ignore them or listen to them. I would suggest ignoring them but I am not you. All I can tell you is that I have gone through some pretty scary things (at least for me) and I am perfectly okay!

So what are you going to do next time you are afraid? Are you going to choose to ignore it and go on? Or are you going to let fear win?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your blog but are you married? what this website all about?