Tuesday, August 30, 2005


So a lot of change is going on around me. And I hate change.

About two weeks ago I found out that two major people on staff were leaving and one of those people is part of my team. Then last week found out that another person on my team was also leaving. There are six people on my team, that means that two of them are leaving and they are a huge part of the team…I would say they are the most important parts of the team. And then people are dropping like dominos around here. There have been six (that I know of) that have resigned within the past two weeks. See ever since I have started working here people have left all the time. I thought hearing the news of my teammates leaving would be easy, and it was easy at first, but the whole idea of them leaving hadn’t really hit me.

And on top of all that there will be a new baby in the house soon (that’s a good thing…not a bad thing) which means that Brooke, Aaron and Mac will be gone for 4-6 weeks. Which I don’t even want to think about. Some people have asked me what are you going to do without Mac for that long and my response has been, “I think I will be okay from being away from him of course I will miss him, but I am going to miss Brooke more.” It’s not that they are leaving but for 6 weeks everything has to change and then change again when they get back.

See here’s the thing; I don’t mind change when I am doing it. If it is a decision that I have made that causes change well then that’s okay. It when everything around me is changing and I can’t do anything to stop it or control it. Like when the weather changes…I hate it…people always get sick, and you can never control that, you never know what you need to wear (when its around the time the seasons change), you can never plan anything outside because you always have to have a back up plan in-case it “might” rain.

I understand that changes are a good thing but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it. I think that every time I have had a “change” in my life it was never a good thing it was always a bad thing (at least when it happened…which is what I hate.)

Lets go back nine years ago in May of 1996 in Plano, Illinois at the middle school softball fields. I had just finished softball practice and my dad picked me up. I got in the car and I was talking about my practice and how fun it was when my dad looked at me at told me he needed to tell me something. (And let me say that we never drove away…we sat in the parking lot…which should have been my first clue that something was wrong) I looked and him and said, “Okay” (not really knowing what was coming) He told me that we were moving. He said we were moving to Cincinnati, OH, the place that he had been recently on a “business trip.” See my dad never went on business trips but for some reason he had been on several in those past couple months. I was crying at that moment. Plano had been the place where I grew up. All my friends were there, my grandparents were there, and all our family lived within an hour from us. And I had no idea where Cincinnati was, I had never heard of it…and I don’t even think I knew where Ohio was. I remember sing Ohio in a song to learn the states but I had no clue where it was. I remember crying all the way home and getting home and hugging my mom and crying some more. I got home and called my best friend and told her the sad news.

That was in May and in June we packed up and moved out here. And boy let me tell you I had no idea what life was. We moved down here knowing no one!!! And to add to all that we started home schooling that year, plus getting used to being around your family 24/7. And in three years we had moved 3 times, which might night seem a lot, but to someone who had only moved once in ten years that was a lot. And it wasn’t like when we moved in Plano, you could still keep your same friends because everyone went to the same school, when we moved here we moved 20 minutes away. Away from all the friendships we had made, away from all the familiar places.

Then at the end of 2000 Betsy and I had gone on a retreat for a week, when we came back my dad had some news to tell us. He told us that he had been laid off from his job. My dad was unemployed for more than a year after that. Talk about change. Imagine your dad home with you everyday. Things that you could get away with mom you couldn’t get away with with dad. And in that year that my dad was laid off my parents decided- no excuse- felt like God was telling them to have another child or more. Why in the hell you would want another child when you have four already? (that’s a post later to come) You got me!

Then in September of 2004 my parents started the process (which is still going on) of adopting 3 younger kids, ages 3, 2 and 1 when they came to us. Now you might think what’s so wrong with having three younger brothers and sister? That’s the problem. It was change and a big change on top of that. The whole house had to be “baby proofed”, and we had to rearrange rooms to accommodate the three little ones. And we had to get used to taking care of three little ones, who had some neglect issues and the numerous issues that come with that.

I know that change is good when ever thing is over or I have gotten used to it. Like I can look back and say moving to Cincinnati has been one of the best things that have happened to me. I don’t think that I would be the same person today if we hadn’t have moved here. I know that my dad being laid off was a good change for him and us. It taught me that through every thing God will be there for you. I don’t know if I have ever been okay with my parents adopting the kids…so I can’t say that that has been a good change.

All I know is that I am not going to enjoy the changes that are going to come. But I know that they are for good and not bad.


Hunter said...

yea I know they suck I usual complain about them a lot especially in a case of someone leaving and this is no exception stay strong everything happens for a reason

agirloutthere said...

Kalla, I appreciate you sharing the challenge of change. Most of...actually all of our marriage has been changes in which I didn't get a say so. First we got married and 11 days later Aaron left for a year. Then the USMC told us when and where and changed that at the last minute if they chose. Then the USMC decided to put us on our heads. I moved in with my in-laws for a few months, before I had ever really lived with my groom. Later Aaron went on several job interviews in places like Maryland, Massachusetts, and Florida. My vote was for anything but Florida and he chose the job in Jacksonville, FL. Then his career was kind of frozen after the WTC attacks. There weren't any jobs anywhere. Once a job came up, it was for Cincinnati...yuck!!

In an attempt to wind this all up, I'll just say that I lost control, I resisted it the entire time and therefore made us miserable, but God had us and fed us every step of the way. Wow, I feel like such a toddler!

You want to know something strange....we are actually liking Cincinnati and want to stay.

sheplaysamartin said...

my family moved from the little town in missouri (trust me, you've never heard of this town!) where i spent all of elementary school years to cincy when i was 12. boy was i ticked off! i was pretty ticked at my parents for the longest time, not just for the move but for not understanding or appreciating how i felt about it. urgh... of course now i shudder a bit to think of what life could have been like if i had stayed, how my dreams and education and spiritual life would have been different... then when i graduated from college my heart was set on staying in nashville. but i ended up moving back to cincy to live with the parents... it was a crazy first year and a half, and there was a lot of turmoil, but i see now that moving back here opened the door to all sorts of wonderful things and people in my life that i would never have experienced in nashville. and it actually forced me to move on from some doors that really needed to be closed.

all that's to say that change sucks in the moment (even good positive change, like what you mentioned about changes you're in charge of :), can be pretty stressful), but with hindsight it's a new door opening to new challenges, new direction.

trust me, i'm not jumping up and down about the changes you're talking about in your post. however, i know that this is going to be a great new opportunity for the people directly involved (the ones leaving) as well as those indirectly involved (those being left). and i'm already curious as to what gifts and fresh ideas those who will be called to fill these spots will be bringing to the table. it makes for kind of an exciting bummer. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kalla - I think the most beautiful example of the beauty of change is what happens to the caterpillar. It shuts itself up in a cocoon for however long (I am too far removed from jr high science, so I don't recall) and comes out a new creation - a butterfly whose beauty is undeniable. For me, change often feels like I am shut off from everything I love, closed off and alone. But God always shows me the beauty of it in the end. Sometimes, I am what becomes more beautiful, sometimes it is something else. But the beauty always touches my life somehow. So take heart that your "cocoon" will open to something beautiful. Hang on!