Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I never knew

I never knew how much I could love my little girl. I told Chris the other day that I never thought I would love her this much! He asked me why and I told him because I didn't know that it was possible to love two kids so much! 

When we found out we were having a girl I was very disappointed. I was even disappointed a lot through the pregnancy because I didn't know what to expect from a girl or how to treat a girl. I was kind of afraid that since I wanted another boy so bad that I wouldn't love her as much but to my surprise I love her SO MUCH!!! I get to dress her up and put bows in her hair. I just love everything about her. (okay maybe not when she is waking me up every two hours to feed in the middle of the night.) (By the way if anyone has breast feeding tips or advice I am all about it!)  


sarah true said...

kloe is darling! It is good to hear that you are doing so well. I have some breast feeding advice...

1. Don't give up. It is super hard at first and painful.
2. It won't always be like this.
3. Ask for help from Chris, LLL, or anybody who is standing around when you need to feed her.
4. Try pumping if you are too sore or are engorged.

Big hugs!

Jeannie said...

I second what Sarah says, Don't give up. You have a few weeks on me, but we are finally getting the hang of it. Ethan nurses like a champ. Once we stopped supplementing with formula, he was eagerly motivated to eat at my breast. Warm compress/showers help with painful tender nipples and make sure you use lanolin liberally! I squirt it directly on the breast pad and stick it on my nipples, then bring my bra up to cover it. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

If she is having trouble with latching on try a nipple shield they help them latch on perfectly so no more pain. I used them with both conor and hailey in the beginning then they just get the hang of it and you don't need it anymore. I got mine from target.