Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kloe May Update

This was yesterday and the first time I got to hold her!!!!!

This is her today!!!
(her arm isn't in her sleeve because she as the IV in that arm!)

Kloe is doing great. Yesterday (early morning around 3AM) she arrived at County Dupage hospital where they hooked her up to a CPAP, gave her an IV and put a whole bunch of wires on her. She as breathing a little faster than what they wanted. She is a healthy chuncky little girl for her age. Her lungs just hadn't matured enough when she came out.

As of today she is doing a lot better. She is off the CPAP and we should be able to start feeding her today. I will try to update more when I know more.

Thank you so much for the prayers!!! We are praying everyday for her to get stronger so she can come home with us!


Jamie said...

Congrats Kalla, Chris, and big brother Caidan! She is beautiful. I hope that Mom and Baby will be home and resting very soon.

Norwood Mama said...

What a chunk! I love her already!