Saturday, July 19, 2008


Caidan turned 1!!! I can hardly believe it. I don't know how one year can go by so fast. In one year he went from being in me to being a toddler. He walks, eats big boy foods, most of the time he can communicate what he wants. I would never trade this past year for anything. Caidan is my joy. His smile and bright blue eyes could make any bodies day happier... at least I know it does
for me.  Here's some pictures of the past year!  

Monday, July 14, 2008


UGH!!!! I am now on bed rest and for who knows how long. We had Caidans 1st birthday party Saturday (I'll have pictures later) and just before the last person left my contractions came back. I started taking my oh so lovely pills but half an hour later they were still coming. So of course I called the doctor who then sent us to the hospital again (this is the third time). They then gave me two shots of the not so fun medicine and ran a test again to see if i was going to go into labor. It came back negative again (thank you God)! He then sent me home on bed rest this time. 

If everyone could pray for my husband who has now taken on all the responsibilities. I think as moms we just naturally do it but at least for my husband taking care of EVERYTHING doesn't come so natural and he is very nervous about me and the baby. And I know i have asked for pray a lot lately but right now our main goal is to keep this baby in as long as possible. And also for Caidan as it is a BIG adjustment for him and he doesn't understand why mama can't pick him up or do anything with him. And for myself... the stress of the whole thing is enough but not being able to take care of my son is very difficult. We (Caidan and I) are used to a schedule with each other and it works and now that different people are taking care of him all the time its very hard on both of us. Moms are supposed to take care of their kids and thats the biggest challenge I am having. To not be able to pick up your child is hard.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Maybe I spoke too soon

Well I ended up back in the hospital yesterday all day. I was having backpains and some contractions and my pelvis was having some pains. I ended up being at the hospital ALL day! I got two liters of fluid and one shot of breathaine and after about an hour of being on the breathaine I started to contract again. So the doctor sent me home on oral breathaine. Again baby is doing great... everyone comments on how active she is and how great she looks.

I am still not on complete bedrest (THANK GOD! I have Caidan's birthday party this weekend) but I am on limited activity. And supposed to drink plenty of fluids which I have been doing.

If everyone could pray for us that would be great. I am lucky to have my mom here this week to help with everything... I just wish I could keep her longer. But the medicine they have me on makes me very jittery and shaking and not feeling the greatest. I also have to take it around the clock every four hours which means I have to set an alarm for 2am and 6am to wake up and take the medicine.

Thanks to everyone for keeping us in your prayers!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

In Kalla's world...

I ended up in the hospital Wednesday morning. I woke up having contractions and within about two hours I had had about 15. Now you might be thinking oh they were probably just braxton hicks...but they weren't. I was given a liter of fluid to try to "hydrate" me (they saw if you are dehydrated that can cause contractions) which didn't work. We then moved one to a shot called Breathene. The only problem with this medicine is it makes your heart race and you get really jittery... its not great. We did one shot and it didn't stop it all so we had to move on to a second shot where I haven't had once since. I also found out I had a UTI which could have caused the early contractions. But all that to say I am doing good now. I am taking it easy and trying not to do too much (but come on I have a 1 year old!!!)

I can't believe that in two weeks Caidan will be 1! He is becoming a little man and its so very scary. He is walking like crazy now and whenever he wants he goes upstairs by himself. (of course with out my permission.

Here is a picture of me from yesterday...