Friday, July 13, 2007

What a LONG week.

This has been the longest week ever....

So Monday morning I went to the hospital after having contractions all night long. It turned out they didn't want me to contract, so they pumped me with fluids. In a day and a half I had 6 liters of fluid. And they thought one liter would stop my fluids... haha! (thats what I wanted to do in there face). Then after one wasn't working they decided to give me this shot (I don't remember the name) But I didn't like the side affects and it wasn't stopping my contractions it was actually making them worse so I said NO!! to the next two they wanted to give me. (it was a 3 step process... they would give me three shots every 15-20min). Then they had to inform me that because I was 35 weeks and 5 days that if i was to deliver my baby boy might have trouble breathing because apparently boys lungs mature slower than girls. And I still said no to the drug. I knew that if my child was going to come out it would be on his own that way and he would be a little healthy boy.

Then after checking me to see if I was dialated I wasn't (that was very sad). But I was 75% effaced (don't ask me what it is just go look it up! My blood work was all great except my Uric Acid (i don't know what that is either but I do know they were conserned!) So they kept me over night and recheck my labs in the morning.

They then sent me home on bedrest... where I reside at this moment. And need I say I AM STILL CONTRACTING!

But on a good note my baby is perfectly fine... I on the other hand am border line. They are considering me boarder line preeclampsia. So i have to check my blood pressure twice a day and stay off my big fat swollen feet.

So that is where I am...


D'Vine Missions said...

Praying for you and that baby boy! I know Sara is there taking excellent care of you. You'll both be fine. God's gotcha!

sheplaysamartin said...

whew! what a week, indeed... many thoughts, many prayers...

Norwood Mama said...

So sorry, Kalla-bear. Just take it as an opportunity to relax. Would someone please take Kalla a bunch of chick flicks and some Graeters?!?

Justin said...


First, Happy Birthday! Second, I'm sending positive, healthy, thoughtful vibes and prayers your way. We're all looking forward to good news on your health, and to more comfort and rest for ya.


sheplaysamartin said...

congrats, and god bless you and your little fam... :)

stinkowoman said...

Sorry to hear you're on bedrest, glad to know baby boy is fine!