Monday, April 16, 2007

A pregnant womans diet

So lately I have been starving ALL the time. And you might think well you are pregnant aren't you always starving? I am always hungr and can always eat food, but lately I am just so hungry all the time that my stomach says, "Feed me, feed me!"

This is what I ate the other day:

8:00am- A bowl of Maple Brown Sugar Mini Wheats

10:00am- A bowl of Cocoa Wheats

12:30pm- A Big Mac Meal (I really wanted to large size it but I always feel like a pig when I order it)

4:00pm- I had a donut

6:30pm- A BIG plate of spaghetti (but i didn't finish it because it was really big and I thought i might feel really fat so i stopped when i had about 3 bites left.)

6:50pm- (Yes I was hungry again) a bowl of oatmeal with cool whip...mmmmmm good!

Then i woke up at four in the morning STARVING... so I had some applesauce

And after eating all that I still only weigh 148lbs

I think I might have a big baby... what do you think?


Annie Michael Murphy said...

Ahhh those were the days. EAT UP AND LOVE IT!
I am guessing if I still didn't eat like I have an 8 lb baby in there, I wouldn't look like I still have an 8 lb baby in there!

sagreen125 said...

teach my grandson to enjoy cool whip and oatmeal, and cocoa wheats,
he will love gigi and pappy's house,
lots of cool whip, any time he wants

B Partridge said...

Holy Cow Kalla...I wish I had a reason to eat that much food!

Shilo said...

eww kalla...
Cool whip on oatmeal? NASTY! But you sure are cute!

sheplaysamartin said...

actually, cool whip on oatmeal sounds good (well, depending on the flavor; apple cinnamon--good, something with any other kind of fruit--not so good). a good excuse to eat cool whip is always good. mmm, doing the cool whip... :)

hope things are doing good up in illinois... miss you!