Friday, April 20, 2007


I don't know if it’s normal to feel how I feel all the time. I used to feel so good about myself. I used to feel pretty. I used to be active. I used to love to go shopping. I used to love a lot that I can’t even think of doing now. I used to be happy.

Now I just feel like crap all the time. I don't feel pretty anymore (despite how many times my husband tells me I am beautiful). And I don't feel good about myself. I am hardly active anymore just going to the grocery to get milk is a painful. The thought of how much I weigh at the moment disgust me (even though I know that I have a growing healthy baby). I am more excited to get this child out of me than to actually see him and that makes me sad.

I watch all these babies shows where are all the woman are so excited to be pregnant and they just love being pregnant blah blah blah… and it actually makes me sick and sometimes I want to punch them.

And all of that makes me feel so selfish. I want this baby more than anything and I should be enjoying all the kicks and movements (which I do) but I feel so guilty for wanting it out. There are so many women that never get the chance to be pregnant and here I am whining and complaining about it.


sagreen125 said...

there are a lot of changes that take place in your body as you are pregnant.
I love ya, and wish i could be there for you, but I can pray for you,
I loved having you guys, but I hated pregnancy. at least we will see you next week. looking forward to it.

sheplaysamartin said...

i've never been pregnant, but i've watched a lot of friends and family members experience pregnancy. i've never heard anyone say it was the funnest experience ever. don't be so hard on yourself. it sounds like things are normal, as hard as it may be right now...

love you! take extra good care of yourself and your little boy! praying for you guys... you'll be ok...

B Partridge said...

I miss you so much and am so jealous that mom and dad get to see you!