Sunday, March 25, 2007


Well yesterday was a fun day. I ended up spending 5 1/2 hours in the hospital. No big deal though. The night before I feel walking into the house and pulled a muscle. I am fine, baby is fine... everything is great. The doctors just wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong with the baby so they did a lot of test, did an ultra sound to see if the baby was alright and gave me some very nice drugs (which are great because they are drugs don't get me wrong but I don't like them).

And the very coolest part about hurting myself (is there ever a cool part about hurting yourself?.... YES!) We got to find out the sex of the baby. Which everyone will have to wait until my friend calls me back so I can tell her! :)

But until then here are two pictures of my baby! :)

This is the cutest picture in the world! You kind of have to look at it sideways. But you can see the holes for its eyes (which it does have) and then the nose and mouth. And it has both of its arms up in the air. The ultra sound technician told us the baby has hair already. :) :)


B Partridge said...

As this baby's aunt--and I do know the sex--he/she is so cute!

sagreen125 said...

I know the sex too, the baby is too cute,

Jamie said...

Kalla you are killin me over here.. is that little cutie a girl or a boy?@