Tuesday, February 13, 2007

15 weeks

(Baby Ronning- he's looking straight up... he didn't want to show us his face but he was fine to show us his hand.)

So I was further along than what we thought... I guess thats a good sign for me. :)

Last Friday we went to the doctor for the first time. We answered all the silly questions, did the whole exam and we even heard the HEARTBEAT!!! And we had our first ultrasound Monday to determine how far along I was. I thought that I was 13 weeks but after the ultrasound they told me I was 15 weeks! Which means the due date for little baby Ronning is now August 8th, 2007.

You know up to this point I wasn't enjoying anything of this pregnancy. The morning sickness is NO FUN! They say its supposed to subside in the second trimester but I have not had that yet. I have never really been a tired person I generally never take naps, but that is not the case now and I used to be a late night girl staying up till mindnight or 1am but now I am lucky if I make it till 10:00. The headaches that you get from all the extra hormones are just horrible... and about the only thing that you can take is Tylenol and then still I am cautious. No one ever tells you that your hair grows at a million miles an hour (okay not really but it feels like that). I know that I am supposed to gain weight for the pregnancy but it really does suck. Its weird because I weigh myself all the time just to make sure that I am not losing weight and its really funny that I haven't gained that much weight (i am talking two pounds) and I feel like I have gained 10 pounds. If you have small boobs then being pregnant and "getting" bigger boobs is probably a good thing but when you have big enough boobs and you get pregnant "getting" bigger boobs is kind of annoying. Those are really only half the things that I haven't really enjoyed but after getting to see my baby its ALL WORTH IT!

I am just glad that everything is going good and the baby is fine.


Jamie said...

Aww.. the first baby pic, so cute!!! August 8th is my little brother's birthday, so I'm guessing this baby is a boy.. hehehe I have a 50% chance of being right!!!! Take care of yourself, Kalla :o)

sagreen125 said...

I love my grandbaby already, can't wait to see HER or him.

sheplaysamartin said...

glad you're healthy... glad the little one's healthy...

naming contests? :)

love you...

Kalla said...

We have a boys name picked out but we aren't telling anyone... and if its a girl... we are still thinking... :)

Kalla said...

jamie you make me laugh!