Sunday, January 14, 2007

There has to be a time when I say everything is okay

Is there a time when you just say, "Okay whatever changes I go through during this pregnancy I am perfectly okay with."? Cause I'm not there yet.

Its getting really old not to know what's going to happen tomorrow let alone the next hour. My emotions are whack! I feel sorry for my very soon to be husband... I'm sure that he is scared to say anything to me because of the way I react. I'm scared at the way I react. I don't know if I am going to cry or yell at him. I don't know the last time we actaully ate the same meal together. Its hard because I can't just eat anything. Normally I am the last one to fall asleep at night I'm lucky if he makes it to bed.

I know that I am getting bigger because I have a baby growing inside of me which is very cool but its also very depressing for me. I've tried my whole life to stay at a certain weight and I haven't gained any weight right now I go up and down but I FEEL FAT!! My clothes don't fit and I'm not big enough to actually wear the matirnaty shirts (I can wear them it just makes me look more pregnant). There is a picture hanging on our wall of me and I really don't remember what it feels like to be that person... to feel good... to be able to eat whatever I wanted to... to wear MY clothes that I love... to not feel like crying every single day.

I'm 9 weeks into my pregnancy and I'm tired. Everyone says it gets better in the second trimester but does it really????????

Not only do I have to deal with being in the first trimester of my pregnancy but in 12 days I am getting married. Its really not a good idea to be pregnant and have a wedding at the same time.


sagreen125 said...

you have a lot going on. there are a lot of things happening at once. and that can cause your hormones to change. right now, at least for a little while longer, you have to not be mad at yourself. woman get sick from being pregnant, and it is great you are not worse than you are. second, you don't have friends and your family around. that can be hard without you really knowing that. it is great you have in-laws that love you. this will pass. i know how you feel, when i was first pregnant with Betsy, I had no one around. remember the Lord isn't far away for you to cry out to. let me tell you too, weight can come off later. being able to have a baby is a gift, and there are plenty people out there who aren't able to have their own children. don't worry about the weight. focus on being healthy. when you feel better take a pregnancy exercise class, also you will probably meet some other pregnant moms. right now, you don't feel great, and it will pass. Less than 2 weeks we will be up there.
love and miss you

B Partridge said...

I wish I was there for you now...I would get you groceries, cook you food, even clean your house...whatever it took to make you feel better. I promise that when we are there I will do whatever I can to make you feel better!
And I promise to bring you may not want it now, but we have to get the baby used to it, especially since its daddy doesn't like it!

I love you and miss you!

Shilo said...

I love you sooo much. You are going to make a beautiful bride and very soon, you won't even remember feeling this way. Hang in there little one-with the little one