Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I am in love!

This baby has stolen my heart...

It's very hard to explain to you how much I love this little boy! He turned two recently and I really can't believe he is that big. Every day he get's bigger, every day he says a new word, every day he learns new things, every day he gets smarter...

We played together last night in the sand and we walked through the garden. You can't have a real conversation with him but you can talk to him and he says things back (not like you can always understand him, but he tries, he really tries. It's cute and sad when you don't know what he is saying and he gets frustrated). And we played with the ball and saw a lot of planes... and we had fun... I had fun.

To think how much he has grown up makes me cry. He's not the little baby that he was a year ago... he is more independent now. He's not supposed to grow up!

I've found the love of my life...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I kinda have a thing for him, too.

He loves you back, "Talya." He loves you lots!

Me too.


sheplaysamartin said...

yes, he is quite the heartbreaker, with those big brown eyes and mad air guitar skills. :)