Friday, February 10, 2006


I will admit it, I am very stubborn. I don’t like to be told that I have to do something (maybe everyone is like that) but if you tell me I have to do something I will refuse to do it, just because you told me to do it, unless I really want to do that thing and then I will jump with two feet right into it. It’s either one extreme or the other…I know.

Growing up with three siblings—I feel so sorry for them—I would never take no for an answer, or I would never give in if they wanted something of mine. What was mine was mine and nobody was going to get stuff from me, but I always took things from them. J You’d think growing up with a big family I wouldn’t be so stubborn…haha not the case.

When I started driving my parents always wanted to know where I was so they asked me every time I left the house to call them to let them know where or what I was doing. Why? If they really wanted to know where I was then why didn’t they call me? That’s was my thinking. (Sorry mom and dad.) So you can see how I got in trouble all the time because I wouldn’t give them a simple phone call to say, “Hey I am going to dinner. I’ll be home later.”

I know that all sounds bad, and you might be thinking it’s just a one minute phone call… but to me that wasn’t the point. To me the point was they wanted me to do something that I didn’t want too. (Good point I know!)

But I am starting to learn that some times being stubborn in life can’t happen. I’d like to think that if you ask me to do something I will do it. I have issues saying no and I am just someone that really likes to do stuff for people. But when I am TOLD to do something… I refuse.

I guess that’s why I hated school growing up. It wasn’t a choice for me…I HAD TO DO IT! And sometimes I would refuse. Not that I didn’t get in trouble when I would refuse, but getting in trouble was better than giving into to doing school that my parents wanted me to do. Which is why I never wanted to go to college!

I need to work on being unstubborn! (I just made up a word!)


sheplaysamartin said...

i can really relate to this post... except that i usually did what i was told, while still not liking it (i was too afraid of getting into trouble or of not getting approval). as i got older a few things happened... 1) pushing back even when i needed to was pretty hard because i was so used to just complying. 2) doing things i actually wanted to do was pretty hard, ironically enough, because i was so used to being motivated by wanting to please others. 3) i tended to relate poorly to people i perceived as 'telling me what to do'. there was some authority resentment/fear that kept me from leaning on people in authority for help when needed and scared of falling sort in their eyes. 4) i tend to procrastinate or give less than my best when i feel like i'm being told to do something, even when i eventually do it, creating stress for me and others (plus the added stress that comes with mulling over something for an extended period of time).

all that's to say, i don't think doing what you're told all the time is necessarily better than not doing it and always stubbornly saying no. i think they're just two extremes on a continuum. really, i think people just need to be less bossy and controlling, so no one would feel like he or she is being told what to do in the first place. :)

Teresa said...

I soooooo can relate to this post. I am one of the most stubborn people in the world. My husband says he hates that he has to think about how to word a question because of how I might respond. I am working on it and hopefully one day I'll be less stubborn. Imagine what we'll be like when we get elderly if we don't change. Kind of scary huh? LOL

Anonymous said...

I can relate, my will is like the great wall of china. Unless a logical reason can be given to me, I will not do what I am told to do, or think the way I am supposed to think. I can be a real pain to deal with. Yet it was though my relationship with christ that I have learned when not to be strong willed and submit to peoples needs.

sagreen125 said...

I am glad you are seeing the light. Of course you know that someday you will probably have 2 children just like you. And of course your dad and I are going to sit back and laugh. All we will say to them, is they are just like their mother. Now it could get worse, if your husband is stubborn too, well God help us all

stinkowoman said...

Do you succomb to reverse psychology? Fine. Don't ever clean the bathroom. ;)

Kalla said...

Umm... see you leave and I clean it... haha!