Sunday, January 01, 2006

I am scared

In two days I will be a college student and I am scared to death. I try not to think about it but how can I not? It’s going to change everything. My schedule that I have been used to for the past 6 months is about ready to change.

The last couple of nights I have had some bad dreams about school and it’s not very encouraging. Okay this might be very stupid but one of my biggest fears is being late. So the dreams I have been having are about being extremely late for my class.

Is all that stupid? Yes. But I have no idea what to expect. I never went to high school and I only went to real school through fourth grade. I really don’t know what to expect. I have all these fears that seem very stupid running through my mind.

But am I excited? Yes. I am extremely excited! Aren’t you excited when you start a new adventure? I am excited to start school and to see what God does through this process. I don’t think I would have ever have gone to school if it wasn’t for God. If you ever think God is telling you to do something but for several reasons and you don’t think it possible. Go with it. I think you might be amazed at what God can do. I was!

Here’s to starting school and new adventures.


Justin said...


You are far more prepared than you know. I understand your nervousness...but at the same time, I've been to college, and I can tell you that there's nothing to fear. It's like high school, but with far more free time, far less work due, and far more license and freedom to learn as you choose.

In's way freaking better.


sheplaysamartin said...

i'm so excited for you i'm almost jealous... it's fun to be a college freshman and have so much ahead...

Anonymous said...

don't worry, classes never start on time anyway.

Jamie said...

Just wondering how your first few days of being a college student went...

Jillian said...

oh how i love my kalla-
you are so loveable and lovely. and i am super stoked that you are going to be edumacating yourself. as sarah would say, "you're fine", in that all knowing calming way. and you are fine, indeed! you shall be terrific! i know it. but know that sometimes God plops us in weird places for reasons way beyond what we started with---don;t forget Him...He's slinking around the halls of Muntz with you, pointing out thedespair and joy. He's the one with the fancy backpack with a bumper sticker on it that says "Jesus built my hotrod".

Man, i'm weird. i mean people say it, but i think its true.
