Thursday, November 06, 2008

What would you want?

I have a friend (our first borns are 5 days apart) who is having her second baby girl anyday now (I am so excited!) but I really want to do something special just for her. I thought about putting a Survival Kit together for her. But I am having a hard time coming up with things. All I can think of right now is... Coffee (decaf and regular), a coffee cup (even though she has a whole bunch maybe a extra large coffee cup?), breast pads... and I can't think of anything else. So thats where all you come in. I want to get a whole bunch of stuff so I am thinking of cheaper little things.

So my question to you is...
If you were expecting your second child or third or fourth or even your first, and someone was to give you a "survival kit" what would you want in it?

Thanks in advance for the help.


Jeannie said...

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and chocolate

Jill said...

yes, chocolate. i got one of these after my first and it included chocolate, tea, coffee, coffee mug, book (you could include one for older child), magazine, muffins, fruit,hand sanitizer and lotion.
you could also include comfy socks/slippers, calming cd for mom and kiddos, a dvd if the older sibling watches them...
sounds like a great thing to do!

Amanda Troyer said...

I second the comfy socks.
Maybe bath stuff like bubble bath, or a jar of face masque cream. Food is ALWAYS nice. Maybe make some Chai Tea in a cute jar for her:
Give her a little card that says: "Free babysitting" for the older one when she's tired. I know I'd like that one!

wilsonsmom said...

I like Chocolate, what about lanolin if she's nursing, lotion, yummy teas, snack foods, bibs, a travel pack of wipes, the travel hand sanitizer.

Jamie said...

baby gas drops, hemmorhoid pads for mom (it is gross, but i haven't known anyone who didn't need them when they got home from the hospital), ice packs, and gossip magazines :o)

Norwood Mama said...

a batch of homemade cookies...for middle of the night feedings! Actually, when I had Charlotte, my sister-in-law sent ho-ho's and twinkies!!! My favorite!

Danielle said...

I would want a lasagna for my freezer. I also like all of Jamie's suggestions. Those are the things you really need. Maybe some paper goods too. No one feels like doing dishes right away.