Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What have I wished for?

So this week Caidan learned to sit up on his own and pull himself up on EVERYTHING. Now I really wanted him to do both of those things... and now i wish he still just rolled and kid of crawled. Typically  our playtime involves Caidan climbing on the couch, falling on his head (he doesn't understand that he has to balance himself), crying or screaming, me telling him he is okay, and him doing it all over. And he has to be going every minute of every day... unless he is sleeping. And with learning to pull himself up he has become an excellent crawler- which for a parent involves the word no a million times  a day. But I am learning to pick my battles. If its something that I don't really want him to have but its not going to hurt him WHY NOT? He's not screaming and its quit in the house. 

I also told my job today that I won't becoming back. Being pregnant and sick I couldn't imagine working and even the thought of Chili's food just makes me want to vomit. And honestly these past 5 weeks that I have been home all the time with Caidan has made me realize that I don't want to miss out on all the things he is learning. He is talking so much more. Just a week ago the only thing he was saying was Gagagagaga (which I think was dog) now he says lalalala and Mananama (which we think his Mama) and Nadanadanada (which we think is dad). 

Well here are pictures of Baby #2.

This is when the baby was 7 weeks and 4 days.
This is from last week 9 weeks 4 days!

Baby's due date is September 26th!


B Partridge said...

Kalla-Baby #2 is growing so much! We definitely need to get some belly shots this weekend!
Also I am so excited to see Little Mister and teach him to say Betsy!

sarah true said...

if #2 is born on the 25th she'll be super cool. only super cool people are born on the 25th!!

wilsonsmom said...

that's my birthday! hooray for the new baby being named dawn or rick!! hahaha.