Wednesday, January 09, 2008


So this past month has been exhausting!

Caidan had an ear infection about a month ago... he was put on antibiotics.

I started a new job working as a server at Chili's! (I love it!!!)

We went to Cincinnati for Christmas! It was fun and exciting!

Caidan was diagnosed with RSV. For the past week we have been dealing with that. He is A LOT better now. It was a scary thing and still is but he is better!


sagreen125 said...

I was talking to someone the other day, who has a younger baby than caidan, and her little baby almost died from RSV, but is okay now.
thank God you didn't put it off for Caidan
thank God he is doing better. it is hard being so far and can't hug and love on him when he was sick.

Norwood Mama said...

Kalla - I know how scary that can be. I am so glad that Caidan is doing better. Ava had RSV at seven weeks. It was the scariest thing ever!

sarah true said...

your nerves must be shot!