Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lots and lots of SMILES!

So in the past week my baby boy has grown up so much... :( I am very excited and very sad at the same time... he just isn't supposed to grow up! Caidan has learned to SMILE! and let me tell you he does it all the time. Tonight as I was putting him into bed he burped and then smiled th BIG smile! It was so CUTE! He has also discovered he has a tongue which explains some of the pictures. He likes to be like a lizard and stick it in and out!


sagreen125 said...

he is tooooooooooooooo cute,
cutest #1 grandson ever
can't wait to see and hold him in person

B Partridge said...

Just a few more hours and I get to see that smile and tongue for myself!

sheplaysamartin said...

it was so great to see you (and caidan :) this weekend, sweetheart!!! love you truly...