Thursday, May 24, 2007

So we got a new camera the other day... just before we go on vacation... and I just thought I would share some photos!

Monday, May 21, 2007

This weekend

Well it was a big weekend for me...

I turned 21 on Thursday. I am finally legal... but there was no drinking involved. :(

Sara graduated... it is so sad. I can't believe that she is getting older. But i am so excited for her! She is such a beautiful woman!

I visited my family this weekend in Cincinnati... obviously. It was nice to see them. I realize how much I miss them when I go visit. But I also realized how much I miss my husband and puppies while I am gone.

Friday, May 11, 2007

How cute am i?

How cute is Kalla?.... cute!!!! (I know thanks!) How cute does Kalla feel?... Not as cute as Kalla looks.

Honestly I hate being pregnant.... why do people like to be pregnant... all it is is aches and pains... is that seriously enjoyable?

You know what else is very annoying? (well it doesn't matter if you don't I am going to tell you anywise) The fact that when people ask me when I am due and I say August 8th and the go "Oh that sucks you have to go through the summer." Like I didn't realize that I was going to be pregnant in the middle of August... I have only been pregnant 6 months... but people have to remind me ALL the time! People need to be more encouraging like "only three more months to go aren't you excited?" Now that would be a nice thing to say.

I know that gaining thirty pounds during a pregnancy is nothing but I am having the hardest time with it. I don't understand why I am so obsessed with my weight. Its to the point that I am already thinking about what kind of diet I am going to go on after I have the baby and how many times I am going to go for a walk in day. Seriously I am obsessed!

I guess the good thing about being pregnant is my stomach now looks like a waterbed sometimes okay a lot of the times... too bad I couldn't get a pictuure of that!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Its a GOOD DAY!!!

Kelly Clarkson came out with a new single and that means that this is a very GOOD day. Which means that she will also have a new CD out soon... YEA YEA YEA YEA!!!! I just love her!