Monday, April 09, 2007

Heres me....



And more fat

It the last week I have become BIG and now my little monster is moving up. And he likes to cause me pain. Everything is perfect with him. He is a healthy baby boy FOR SURE (thats what the ultrasound tech told us... in her words "theres his big package"... yes Chris is very proud)

I on the other hand have been doing A LOT better. I am still tired all the time... but at this point I am guessing that that will NEVER go away. And I think I have come to terms with that being okay.


Anonymous said...

kalla! i used to read your blog a long time ago but havent been back in a while. i was just wondering why you never talk about god anymore? i saw you got married and are pregnant (congrats!) but i tried to go back and read everything and the last time you mentioned god was july 28. i just really likes reading what you wrote. do you still go to churhc?

Anonymous said...

pretty sure that is not fat, but instead a baby. I have never been with child, but I am pretty sure there is a difference between baby and fat.