Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Crawl back into bed

Some days I wish I could just crawl back into bed. This morning I woke up and expected another normal day. Took a shower, got ready, went downstairs, went out to warm up my car only to realize that my car had been broken into. I noticed that my stereo had been removed from my dashboard and that my doors were unlocked. I looked around my car and realized they had busted out my little back window. (I thought my Dane Cook CD was in there, but it wasn’t…Thank you God for saving my Dane Cook :))

My reaction at first was “Great not again.” When I lived with my parents my car had been broken into several times. I feel safer in Clifton than I did in Lebanon…crazy I know.

It’s not that someone broke my window and stole my stereo it’s the fact that people do that. Do you not have any conscious? What satisfaction do you get from breaking into a car and taking someone’s belongings? I want to be mad at who ever did it. I want to say I hope you get what you deserve but I don’t. I honestly feel sorry for them. It sucks that they think they have to break into a car to steal a stereo, to get money, or respect from people. I feel sorry that somewhere down the road maybe they will have to remember everything they did.

Yeah it sucks for me that I have to pay money to replace and fix everything but it beats stealing from someone any day.

So whoever you are out there, whoever you are that felt the need to break and steal my stuff, I hope that in some way you are blessed by this. I hope you find what you are looking for. And I hope that someday you find God, if you haven’t already. Enjoy my CD player because I know I did.


Anonymous said...


sheplaysamartin said...

the cd player was stolen from my car over the summer (and that was in the suburbs), so i feel your pain... as i read elsewhere in the blogosphere, thieves suck. Jesus loves them, we're just trying... :)

Anonymous said...

There are one of two reasons they broke into your car. 1.) Need stuff to sell for drugs or whatever. 2.) they get bored easly and they see breaking into your car as a challange. If we decide that they did it for the challange then we have to try and figure out what they are going to do with your stereo.

I had someone break into my car. They were obviously not to smart as they busted out the window when the doors where unlocked. Then they proceeded to take a book of bured CD's all of which were classical music. resale value $0.

agirloutthere said...

Anon's story is hilarious (in an ironic way). Thanks for sharing!