Sometimes I have far out dreams, sometimes my dreams are silly, and sometimes my dreams are scary (very scary) but sometimes I have dreams of things I know I should do just too scared to do them. You know what I mean?
Do you ever remember your dreams? I always remember the ones that I don’t want to and I can never remember what happens in the ones with me and Dane Cook… ;). I wish I didn’t wake up right in the middle of a good part, which always happens. (I'll leave the details out)
Have you ever felt like a dream was real life? Have you ever woken up and wondered “Was I dreaming or did I miss something yesterday”? Sometimes through out the day I’ll remember something that has happened but then I remember it was a dream.
I don’t know what to expect from my dreams. I don’t know if they ever mean something or if they're just for fun. Obviously I know that some are just for fun. But what about those ones, the ones that I can’t stop thinking about for weeks, the ones where I have felt like I am supposed to do that? What if dreams mean something?
I too have those dreams that I think are real, and have to really think them through to figure out that there not. In fact, I dreamed that I had changed the spelling of my middle name years ago, and had to ask my mom if it was true!
Ah, but the most frustrating dreams are the ones where you dream of someone you haven't talked to in months, and you find yourself trying to figure out what made them end up in your dream.
I had a dream that seemed so real once , when I rolled over and opened my eyes to realize that I was dreaming, I literally punched the pillow I was laying on out of sorrow that it had never happened.
Ever have those dreams where you feel really hungy and you get some food and eat, then wake up eating your pillow or those ones where you are falling and suddenly jerk awake when ou would have hit the ground. (that the aliens putting you back on your bed after probing you)
In most of my dreams people walk about with their names floating over their heads. It could always be worse.
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